Gowen Gardens
“Sidewalk” Garden: Virginia roses, peonies, chokeberry, spring bulbs, mountain laurel, switchgrass, aster, wild ginger, inkberry, and common milkweed.
“Meadow” garden with coneflower, Joe-Pye weed, Culiver’s root, NY iron weed, baptisa, snakeroot, tall tickseed, threadleaf tickseed, bee balm, turtlehead, phlox, and goldenrod.
“Shrub Forest,” with spicebush, sweet shrub, various ferns, flowering quince, hazelnut, pawpaw, hibiscus, mountain mint, phlox, turtlehead, oakleaf hydrangea, trumpet honeysuckle, coneflowers and goldenrods.
“Understory” garden (formerly the “Poison Ivy Forest”), with Japanese maple, spicebush, strawberry bush, oakleaf hydrangea, passion flower, elderberry, ferns, mayapple, and Solomon's seal.
“Psuedo Rain Garden” with Cardinal flower, Great Blue Lobelia, turtlehead, yarrow, mountain mint, button bush, bee balm, and switchgrass.
“Back Meadow” with bee balm, turtlehead, mountain mint, cardinal flower, woodland sunflower, goldenrod, violet, lilac, highbush blueberry, hydrangea, and snowball viburnum.
“Orchard Understory” with pawpaw trees, plum tree, wild ginger, mayapple, violet, and food plants.
"Kitchen Garden" which is a raised bed and container garden.